Friday, May 27, 2011

Love Japan Help Japan postcards

Postcards from the To Japan With Love exhibition edited by Linda Nakanishi.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

La Tempestad Loves Japan

Coming soon, Love Japan in La Tempestad art and design magazine from Mexico.

2 973 hits a day

Des!gn Think!ng has now logged almost 3 000 visits a day largely thanks to my Love Japan Help Japan poster and logotype.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How long is a piece of string?

What is the investment and what is the return on investment in design? The response is invariably another question - How long is a piece of string?
Nevertheless our design budgets and fee structure are dependent entirely on the nature of the brief and our intervention: the communication problem, the target objectives, the strategy put in place and the solutions proposed.
Our fees are calculated in function of the hours and days to be committed to each phase of the project, multiplied by the duration of the assignment and are mutually agreed. Typically our budgets range from
€5 000 to €50 000, with the occasional project at slightly more or less than this.
Return on investment and the added value of design are now givens and hardly need to be demonstrated. We have achieved 100% sales increases, touched one billion consumers, achieved thousands of site visits a day at launch, doubled turnover and exceeded targets with our interventions.
Design is the unique market differentiator and creator of added value.
It is design that creates icons and generates the 'must have' emotional response, that makes the difference between the generic and the unique - qualities and values that are, of course, priceless.

Parsons Paris workshop

Un déjeuner sur l'herbe, is a take away picnic packaging design created during a design workshop I have just run with the senior studio at Parsons Paris. A fun play on the Manet scene. Design Anna F.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

$15 000 1st Prize in India design competition

My 4th Year Visual Communications students at the Ecole Bleue have taken the 1st Prize: $15 000 US and won 5 all expenses paid two week trips to India, in the India - Future of Change design competition.

623 students participated from 266 schools of design. The Ecole Bleue was the only winning school from France and the only school to take more that one prize. Pas mal!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Francois Robert 'Stop the Violence'

Brilliant typographic designs and images created uniquely with bones by Francois Robert. A hauntingly explicit message against violence.

Land Rover Defender 'Go Beyond' campaign

By RKCR/Y&R, says it all.

Monday, May 9, 2011

사랑 일본은 한국 디자인 잡지에서 일본 포스터 도움말

Love Japan Help Japan poster in Korea's DesignNet magazine, special report on Design for Disaster Relief.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

2011 logo trends by Bill Gardner

Bill Gardner of LogoLounge has published his annual review of logotype and branding trends. Always fascinating and insightful.

Love Japan tote bags

Coming soon Love Japan Help Japan tote bags produced by Chie Schuller in the USA, with my logotype, in aid of tsunami victims.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Designed for Disaster Relief - DesignNet Korea

DesignNet magazine's special report on Design for Disaster Relief is out. May 2011 issue.
재난 구호에 대한 디자인에 Designnet의 특별보고가있다. 2011년 5월 발행됩니다.

사랑 일본은 한국에서 일본 포스터 도움말

Coming soon Love Japan poster in Designnet Magazine Korea.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rain reactive street graphics

I have talked here previously about snow advertising and interactive concrete poetry. Now here are street graphics that react to rain and appear when the pavement is wet. They disappear when the sun comes out again. By Fresh Green Ads.

Love Japan poster at ACT Responsible in Cannes

I am participating in the ACT Responsible 'Support Japan' exhibition, Palais des Festivals Cannes, 19-24 June.
The Love Japan poster is also featured in the May issue of Designnet Magazine Korea and will be in the June issue of Latempestad Magazine Mexico. Latest fundraising initiatives include tote bags and bracelets. More soon.