Friday, July 8, 2011

Branding, Packaging, Merchandising at Strate

I have just run a Branding, Packaging, Merchandising workshop at Strate College themed around the dairy products industry. Participants included 4th year design students, Grenoble School of Management and Master's students: a very stimulating mix. The assignment included market research, product development, naming and branding, physical packaging and POS merchandising/retail design. I have run these courses at Strate since 2009.
Projects include SoyUp by Jeremy P (Grenoble), Melo by Chris A (UK), Wmlk by Adrian R and Moustache by Yann D (Strate 4th).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coffee brands and packaging

Having working experience of the Tassimo brand and having worked on a lot of coffee branding and packaging design over the years, I am intrigued by the new Tassimo brand by Turner Duckworth. The use of the distinctive 'disc' shape in the icon and logotype are successful, the mark is appealing and communicates the diversity of flavours.
It also moves it clearly out of the Nespresso black and gold universe, to somewhere new.

Handpaintedtype is an initaitive by Hanif Kureshi of W+K New Delhi to document the work of street sign painters in India, who are being rapidly replaced by DTP vinyl printers. Some beautiful inspiring work.

VW driving can be beautiful

Similar concept to Toyota's iQ font but interesting.

Monday, July 4, 2011

SANAA La Samaritaine rehabilitation

Proposed transparent 'immaterial façade' skin on the 1869 La Samaritaine historic structure by Pritzker prize winning SANAA studio.
Finally something happening on the Rue de Rivoli site.